20 September 2009

Video Luv: John Williams Is the Man

Post 100 - thought I'd give you something special. I found this video on YouTube, and I'm totally in love with it. Check out the awesomeness!

Direct link is here:

If you don't know why I think it's so good, consider the following:
  1. A capella singing (challenging to stay on pitch).
  2. All parts recorded by the same guy (talk about great tempo)!
  3. He's a cute geek (love the t-shirts).
  4. John Williams (hel-LO, only the composer of the most recognizable music themes of the 20th and 21st centuries)!
  5. Star Wars ('nuff said).

My favourite part is, naturally, Jaws, followed closely by Superman. What's yours?

11 September 2009

Link Love: Yukon Jack

This is the only reason I change my radio to the Bear anymore.

04 September 2009

Video Luv: French Bulldog Puppies

I saw this and I just had to share it. Easily the cutest thing I've seen today.